Welcome to Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club!
Founded in 1887, Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club has a long history of competing in the Coastal Amateur Rowing Association (CARA).
HBARC is a completely different experience from your usual sport clubs. Coastal rowing is a physically tough, deeply rewarding sport. If you’re new to the sport there’s no better place to learn and compete than with HBARC!
Please click here for more information.

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@HerneBayRowing Facebook

Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club
Founded in 1887 and still a thriving coastal club, training all year and competing at coastal regattas throughout Kent and Sussex each summer.
It was like a pond out there this morning! We managed to get 21 rowers out on the water all practicing for the exciting regatta season ahead.
#earlystart #BringItOn #coastalrowing
The club took part in the Adur Head race in Shoreham on Sunday (16th March). The first one since 2022. It was a fantastic day in the sun and the river conditions were great. We entered six crews and for the first race of the season everyone did so well.![]()
1st division
1st J14 mixed (19.22)
2nd men's J/S (16.27)
2nd Masters 50 (17.33)![]()
2nd division
2nd Masters40 (17.00)
2nd Women's novice (15.52)
Women's novice (17.12)![]()
Well done to all who competed. You should be very proud 🙌🏼 great teamwork as usual. Also massive well done to our coxswains – particularly coxing in the firs#adurheadrace
#firstracer#adurriverr#shorehamriver #shoreham
What a busy weekend the club had!![]()
Saturday we took advantage of the early tides and good winds. ![]()
Also on Saturday we took advantage of the beautiful weather to have a maintenance morning. We got so much work done. Thank you to those who helped.![]()
Sunday we managed to get out again – last chance to train on the water before we head to the Adur Head event in Shoreham next Sunday (16th). ![]()
Wish us luck 💪🏼![]()
📸P.s. thanks to various members for the beautiful photos ![]()
#coastalrowing #britishrowing #beautifulsunrise #earlyrise #veryproud