Welcome to Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club!
Founded in 1887, Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club has a long history of competing in the Coastal Amateur Rowing Association (CARA).
HBARC is a completely different experience from your usual sport clubs. Coastal rowing is a physically tough, deeply rewarding sport. If you’re new to the sport there’s no better place to learn and compete than with HBARC!
Please click here for more information.
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Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club
Founded in 1887 and still a thriving coastal club, training all year and competing at coastal regattas throughout Kent and Sussex each summer.
CAPSIZE DRILL: an important part of our training as rowers. This included falling out of a boat and trying to get back into it again, throwing a throw line and pulling someone in plus swimming far enough and treading water.Everyone demonstrated each item very well. Everyone had lots of fun while learning something new.Thank you to Jane Briony and Manny for organising and to Spitfire Boat Club for joining forces.Thank you to Active Life Ltd Canterbury for allowing us to train.#capsizedrill #training #rowingmotivation #rowinglife
For those who wish to attend John Ormiston's funeral it's on Friday 17th January, 9.40am for 10am at Herne Bay crematorium, then we will celebrate his life at Herne Bay Rowing Club, CT6 8EP afterwards.
Amazing conditions for a morning boxing day row. We managed to get three fours and two doubles out on the water to burn off those Christmas day calories and even had a mini race at the end!! 😄#boxingdayrow #coastalrowing